News & Fun

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Are You at Risk for Hairy Tongue? | Dentist 60188

You may not realize it, but you could be at risk of developing an unsightly medical condition known as hairy tongue. While it is harmless in most cases, hairy tongue is still an unpleasant ailment. The causes are not always completely known, but practicing good oral hygiene at home and visiting our dental office for […]

Preventing Enamel Erosion | Dentist Near Me

Do you have white spots on your teeth? Are your teeth quite sensitive? Do your teeth have cracks, chips, or indentations? If yes, then you may be experiencing enamel erosion. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. It is the clear coating that protects your teeth. However, being the strongest substance in […]

How Probiotics Improve Oral Health | Dentist 60188

Probiotics are typically advertised as being helpful for digestion. However, studies have shown that they can also improve oral health. Probiotics are beneficial for fighting infections that lead to oral disease.  Reducing Gingivitis A study published in Contemporary Clinical Dentistry has found that probiotics can reduce gum bleeding in patients with moderate to severe gingivitis. […]