Carol Stream Dentist | Holiday Treats and Your Teeth
Dentist Near Me Between Halloween and Christmas, there are numerous tasty treats and foods to enjoy. For many people, food is the highlight of the holiday season. However, certain foods and candies are particularly damaging to your teeth. If you want to keep your smile looking healthy into the new year, here are some tips. […]
Dentist in Carol Stream | Changing Your Spots: White Areas on Teeth
Dentist Near Me White spots on your teeth can be irritating and affect how you feel about your smile. The good news, however, is that they are preventable and rarely cause for concern. Here are things you should know about what causes white spots, how to prevent them, and what options are available should you […]
60188 Dentist | Coffee and Your Teeth
Dentist Near Me Coffee is well-known as hazardous to teeth, but there are things you can do besides cut it out completely. Here are some things to know about coffee’s effects on your oral health and diet, as well as how to mitigate them. Contrary to popular belief, the pigments that give coffee its color […]
Carol Stream Dentist | Effective Prevention for Healthier Smiles
Dentist Near Me Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease for children and adolescents. About ¼ of children and more than half of teens currently have this illness. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 90% of adults over age 20 have some amount of tooth-root decay. However, tooth decay […]
Dentist in Carol Stream | How Candy Threatens Your Child’s Smile
Dentist Near Me How often does your child eat candy? According to a study conducted by the USDA Economic Research Service, children under 12 consume an average of 49 pounds of sugar in one year. While candy is not the sole source of sugar in a child’s diet, the impacts of sugary candy treats are […]
60188 Dentist | 6 Tips for Preventing Tooth Decay in Children
Dentist Near Me Oral health is important at every stage in life. Just because your children are going to lose their primary (baby) teeth eventually doesn’t mean that we can ignore the importance of dental care. Tooth decay can be painful and uncomfortable to treat. To protect your child’s smile, it is vital to understand […]
Carol Stream Dentist | Self-Care: A Woman’s Priority
Dentist Near Me When you travel by plane, your flight attendant will advise that in the rare case of an emergency, you must first put on your air mask before attempting to help those around you. When this is not followed, the results can be catastrophic, both for you and for those you might otherwise […]
Carol Stream Dentist | 3 Ways to Fix a Chipped Tooth
Dentist Near Me Chipping a tooth could be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to fix a chipped tooth. We will recommend a solution based on your particular needs. Here are three options we may provide you: 1. Dental Bonding Bonding is a quick and easy solution for most small, cosmetic […]
Dentist in Carol Stream | Common Brushing Mistakes
Dentist 60188 Brushing your teeth is the cornerstone of your oral health care – but is there room for improvement? Use our guide to determine if you’ve fallen into these common brushing habit mistakes, so you can keep your smile healthy and bright. 1. Not brushing long enough – The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends […]
Dentist Carol Stream IL | What Vegetarians and Vegans Need to Know About Their Teeth
Dentist 60188 If you are on a vegetarian or vegan diet, it is important that you are aware of the impact these diets can have on your teeth and overall oral health. While there are numerous benefits of following a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, your teeth depend on certain nutrients to remain strong and healthy. […]